Queen's College Space Page

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Your mission is Math in Space! Are you up to the challenge?

Addition Attack !!

In the math space game Addition Attack, you must add single-and-double-digit numbers together while shooting spaceships trying to invade Earth.

Alien Addition

Solve addition problems and fire on alien spaceships.

Alien Angles

Practice estimating angles with this fun geometry game.

Alien Math Puzzle

Solve this Alien Math puzzle.

How Much Would You Weigh on Another Planet?

On this page from the NASA Web site, visitors can calculate their weight on different planets.

How Old would You Be on Another Planet?

Find out how old you would be on another planet with this online game.

Locate the Aliens

Name the Coordinates of a Point on a Graph and these Astronomy questions.

Mathematics Uncovers an Interplanetary Superhighway

Contrary to everyday experience on Earth, the most efficient route through space may not be a straight line.
Find out!

NASA: Space Math Games

This fun page contains a collection of unusual games that support inquiry, observation and other basic math skills.

Space Boy To The Rescue

Be a Space Hero! Use the map coordinates here to find Space Boy.

Space Racer X

You are the first person to attempt to reach a distant planet under constant asteroid attack. How far can you guide your spacecraft?

Space Shuttle Launch

Help command central launch a space shuttle. Look at the main command screen to see the math problem.

Good Luck on your Space Missions!

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